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Pier Steensma was born in Haarlem.
He studied at the Academy of Visual Arts in Rotterdam, specializing in Monumental and Applied Art with non-classical subjects such as textile methods, graphic techniques, and letter drawing. During his studies he makes long journeys through Europe (Sicily, Hebrides), mostly hitchhiking


First period in Asia

In the spring of 1962 Pier leaves for the East. After a long trek through Greece, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, he finds work as a teacher of graphic techniques at the University of Lahore (Pakistan). Here he has his first exhibition: Pakistan came into my world. During the school holidays he makes many trips: he visits the mountain peoples in the North West of Pakistan, as well as Kashmir and India. After two years he quits his job and settles near Kathmandu, Nepal. He stays in Buddhist monasteries, gets permission to paint there. This results in the exhibition Buddhist Mahayana Monkhood in Kathmandu. Contacts in India lead to a well-selling exhibition in Calcutta. In 1967 he returns to Europe by boat.

But he wants to leave the Netherlands as soon as possible. He lives in Spain for a while, stays in London and Paris. Spring 1969 he exhibits his Paintings from Nepal in London


Various travels in Asia. Archaeological draftsman

At the end of 1969 Pier finds work as an archaeological draftsman for the Délégation archeologique francaise in Afghanistan, which is conducting excavations in Ay Khanoum. In Tehran he works for the British Archaeological Service and for the British Institute of Persian Studies on the Pasargadae excavations. He makes extensive travels through Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq. After a short stay in Europe, he makes a long journey to Lebanon, Syria, Iraq - where the stay with the Marsh Arabs makes a deep impression -, Dubai, the United Arab Emirates and Oman. From Dubai he leaves with an Arabian dhow for his next job: the French excavations in Susa / Sush in Iran. From Iran, he travels via Lahore (Pakistan) to friends in India, where he helps combat the impending famine in Maharashtra. He lives in Bangalore, South India for several months. This is where his series Sleep, an Indian theme was created, which was exhibited at Marjorie Parr in London in 1976.


Besançon, Paris

Back in Europe, he initially settled in Besançon, but soon left for Paris. Creates the series: Bathers in the Camargue. Works as an archaeological draftsman for the Louvre. From 1981 (almost) every year excavations under Alain Zivie in Saqqarah.


Italy: Impruneta, Florence, Livorno

A friend from the French diplomatic service persuades him to move to Italy. She also organizes an exhibition in Rome. After living in Impruneta and Florence, he rents a floor in a palazzo in Livorno. He still goes to Saqqarah every year, regularly participates in the excavations of Francois Jarrige in Mehrgarh, Pakistan, since 1990. He also does archaeological work in Italy.

He starts painting watercolors in larger formats. This is how the Icarus series is created. Plato's symposium and the Oracles / Masks series are also done in large formats. In 2006 he exhibits his travel watercolors from various periods.


Italy: Otricoli. The circle of friends

In 2007 Pier leaves Livorno and moves to Otricoli in Umbria, where old friends of his live. He enjoys the company of expats in the region. He makes a last long trip to Laos and Cambodia. Growing older, he leaves for the Netherlands in 2016, to Haarlem, where he dies in 2019.