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Pier used different techniques:

  • painting (oil paint, gouache, watercolour)
  • graphics (woodcut or cut in hardboard, etching)
  • drawing (conté with charcoal, pencil, rotring pen)
  • textile (appliqué)

From the 1980s onwards, Pier almost exclusively painted watercolour. Pier often illustrated his letters with drawings.

Several elements recur regularly:

  • the (almost) white surface: silence, the (almost) nothing
  • red dot: creativity; blue dot: depression, blues
  • desert: emptiness
  • figures: extra large or small (Quo vadis, little man?)
  • labyrinth, as a circle or as a square
  • Buddhist and Hindu symbols; geometrical symbols

The work can be divided into themes, sometimes originating in a specific period, sometimes recurring in time:

  • inspiration: Pakistan
  • Nepal and India: buddhism; sun worship 
  • Sleep, an Indian theme 
  • The sea 
  • Mandalas: significance of emptiness
  • inspiration: Tunesia
  • Still lives: bowls and flowers 
  • Icarus and Plato 
  • Masks 
  • inspiration: Finland (Oracles)
  • Travel watercolours 
  • Latest work